Why PowerHearth?

PowerHearth is a modern downdraft, linear hearth, fixed bed gasifier, designed to convert biomass feedstocks to producer gas. The gas is optimised for firing in modern industrial engines, gas turbines or as a fossil fuel substitute in boilers.

Every PowerHearth owner can be certain that their system is:

  • Carefully designed and engineered
  • Constructed of the highest quality materials available
  • Fabricated by skilled craftsman using state of the art equipment and techniques
  • Will always be technically ahead of the alternatives

Our advanced densification technology can convert a wide range of biomass materials into uniform low moisture, high energy feedstock.

The PowerHearth gasifier ensures uniform gas production in fully automated systems providing fast and convenient start-up and control of power generation, utilising a wide range of biomass feedstocks in the same system.

PowerHearth technology and its extreme versatility will allow you to retrofit your existing boiler plant for higher reliability, greater flexibility and more power from fuel used.

Because PowerHearth has no moving parts, maintenance costs are negligible. Operating costs will vary depending upon the local conditions.

The PowerHearth Gasifier range is the most efficient thermal conversion technology available in the market for converting approximately 99.5% of the biomass to producer gas.

PowerHearth Gasifiers are available in the following sizes:

  • 250 kW
  • 500 kW
  • 750 kW
  • 1 MW through 3 MW


Typical Model 1000 Energy Outputs

Feedstock  (kg/Hr) 1,000
Gas output  (MJ) 15.83
Gas LCV (MJ/m3) 24.21
Gas flow at outlet  (m3/Hr) 24.21
Octane  A.P.I. 180
Tar (%) 0.0
Particulate  (ppm) 0.0
Electricity produced  (kWe) 1,000

Typical Producer Gas Analysis

Hydrogen  (%) 21.9
Carbon Monoxide  (%) 26.7
Methane  (%) 1.75
Ethane  (%) 0.6
Ethylene  (%) 0.35
Propane  (ppm) 40
Propylene  (ppm) 247

Please contact us to see which PowerHearth system is suitable for your clean energy project.